More than 280 Nestle workers participated in the National Botanical Gardens Advancement Program (LAE), last Friday 26 June 2015. As a part of Nestle’s Safety and Community Day the workers worked along the Milford Haven Road side of the Botanical Gardens to clear up foliage, weeds and non-bio-degradable rubbish to help prepare the grounds to open the Gardens later this year to the public.
Nestle’s Safety and Community Day was organised to celebrate the achievement of nine years of operation with zero Lost Time Injury (LTI) in Lae Factory and also do some Community Shared Value (CSV) activities through commencing the clean-up of the Lae Botanical Gardens.
All of us at Nestle are very pleased to be able to support the Lae Botanic Gardens Advancement Program. Our employees have enjoyed a long and positive association with the Gardens for more than 27 years and we are proud to assist the community to once again visit and enjoy these beautiful gardens.
Our team shared a fabulous afternoon making a real and visible difference. We are enthusiastic to continue supporting the rejuvenation of the Gardens. Nestla is committed to Environmental Sustainability and caring for the local community. This is one way we can actively demonstrate our commitment Nestle’s Lae Factory Manager Sharon Meaker said.

The Gardens offer facilities that contribute to the enjoyment of Lae residents and visitors through the expanding of recreational options, the improvement of tourism opportunities, and fostering of cultural expressions. PNG Forest Research Institute and the Friends of the LAE Botanic Gardens are pleased about the rising interest from business houses and other stakeholders.

“We are very grateful for Nestle to have shown their support in kind to do a massive clean up of the Lae Botanic Gardens on Friday 26 June 2015. Such a kind hearted gesture of support is a rare ‘commodity’ needless to say, hence must be well commended. Thank you Nestle for your generous support! On this occasion, I wish to encourage the community at large, including both the local, provincial and National Governments, and Business Houses to continue the wonderful gesture of cooperation and support to the newly created ‘Friends of the Lae Botanic Gardens’ and in its endeavour to develop and promote the Advancement Program of the Botanic Gardens”. It is our intention through such kindness and support to revamp the Botanic Gardens to well managed, most natural and environmentally friendly garden in PNG for all to visit and enjoyâ€, Dr Golman, Acting Director of the Forest Research Institute said.
Stakeholder collaboration will help to achieve ongoing access to PNG’s natural and diverse environment for recreation, education and research. Friends of the Lae Botanic Gardens and the PNG’s Forest Research Institute continue to invite business, community, individuals and government organisations to support the Advancement Program. A clean up day will be held each Wednesday for all interested members of the Lae community to attend. If you are interested in contributing to the clean up day bring along your tools to the Garden after 9.30 in the morning.
For businesses and other organisations and individuals interested in becoming a partner and/or participant in this initiative or require more information please contact Michael Lovave on email: or phone: 472 1041 or 472 4188.